
Explorers (ages 4-11)

Do you want to get your children outside, moving, playing, working, connecting with animals and other kids? TROTR's unique after-school program offers kids a chance to enjoy hands-on sensory experiences, so we run around, sing, play, search, and follow the group’s curiosity based on their findings. On any given day we might gather eggs, groom the horses, work in the garden, go on nature adventures, build forts, swing on the hotwalker, snuggle with the guinea pigs and just enjoy the day together.  We have a relaxed pace, yet manage to get the chores done and have lots of fun.

The Explorers Program at TROTR invites children to experience and learn about the ranch and all of its magical places through fun investigations, games, specialty crafts and educational activities.  Our farm animals provide a unique opportunity for children to develop empathy, respect and compassion for all living things. Our interactive animal curriculum fosters an understanding of human impact on animal wellbeing as children learn how to take care of our goats, pigs, chickens, sheep, donkeys and horses. Through these personal interactions, kids develop an understanding of animals' inherent nature as well as their individual personalities.

There will be ample time to enjoy unstructured nature play, exploration, and observation as well. Each 8-week session focuses on the ranch and our farm animals, and our curriculum emphasizes a well-rounded child that can continue to kindergarten and beyond with tools of self-concept, self-esteem, and compassion for themselves, others, and the environment. Horseback riding is not included but can be added for an additional fee.

$750/September 21 - November 9 (8-week session), meets Thursdays from 10am-3pm

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